วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Using Zinc For Acne - How Does It Work?

There are many vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids as helpful in preventing acne breakouts considered. Among these, zinc, a major influence. If you treat for a safe and painless way to fix your acne, consider zinc supplements.

What is zinc?

Zinc is a mineral which is probably best to promote the body's immune system known. Zinc is found in more than two hundred enzymes, it is, in fact, the mineralwith the largest quantity in enzymes. One of the most important functions of zinc helps white blood cells - the antibodies in the blood - continue to engage with their normal activities. Without zinc is not all of our white blood cells function in the situation.

Sources of zinc

Many acne products and treatments already contain zinc. You can also take zinc supplements to increase zinc in your body. In addition, zinc can be found in various foodssuch as nuts, sunflower seeds, peas, beans, whole grains, poultry, eggs, dairy products and lean meat.

As zinc is effective against acne

It was mentioned earlier that zinc can enhance our body the immune system. This is good news in terms of prevention and treatment of acne. Remember that the two biggest causes of acne breakouts bacteria and overactive sebaceous glands. If your immune system disorders, it can sometimes sebaceous glandsWork as it should be, which then leads to increased oil levels. And as always, when oily skin is present, so does acne.

Secondly, the immune system of the body most important line of defense against all types of diseases, whether they are caused by bacteria, viruses or foreign objects entering causes of our system. When the immune system is weak, harmful substances find it easier in our body and some of them can cause acne outbreaks to get.

Of course, with this in mind, zinc isTo prevent outbreaks of acne just by our immune system strong and healthy.

Potential benefits of the use of zinc supplements

No scars. This is one of the biggest concerns of people when considering acne treatments. Not all treatments can guarantee the absence of scars. Most of the red can make acne from your face, but they are certain spots and leave spots. If you desire a completely flawless face --Original complexion if you will - Once acne has been removed, you have a safer future with zinc supplements.

Skin-healing properties. Zinc is generally good for the skin. It is has long been used to treat diaper rash and itching for babies too. If you suffer from such problems, these could also cause acne when irritated. In this case, the use of zinc as a supplement acne prevention is intended to present the treatment of skin problems. Zinc has also been found effective for SOProtection and prevents chapping your lips.

The skin-healing properties are one of the reasons why it can prevent scarring after application. Appear before a wound is zinc are already working on the areas concerned, the healing of skin tissue and promote cell growth.

Hormonal regulation. Sometimes the acne a side effect of hormonal irregularities in your body. Unknown, many women have male hormones as well and vice versa.

During the menstrual cycle of women,hormonal irregularities occur, which can later lead to the fact that acne outbreaks. With the birth control pill, hormonal irregularities are eliminated. Therefore, the pill is also used as an acne treatment. Zinc is also used for the manufacture of part of birth control pills. In terms of security, but can be supplemented zinc, a healthier choice than the pill as acne treatment.

DNA synthesis. Although this term sounds too scientific, have a direct connectionto acne outbreaks, is all, which simply means that, with DNA synthesis, will you beautiful new skin, where it can Zinc This mineral DNA synthesis and promote through them comes into play, old dead skin cells are replaced by new ones. New skin is still acne free, and with it you start with a clean acne-free slate. Zinc is not that wonderful?

Ultimately, there is not yet sufficiently available data to demonstrate fully that zinc supplements and zinc-powered AcneApplications and solutions are fully effective as a stand-alone fix. At the moment, increasing intake of zinc only as a supplement to other acne solutions. Questions would your doctor about other ways to increase the presence of zinc in your body.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Adult Acne Remedy - 5 Untold Natural Remedies For Adult Acne

Everyone should now know that acne is not only faced by young people, but it is also exposed to 50% of the adult community.

What causes acne in the first place? Nobody knows. But we certainly know that there are many medicines out there competing to be the best remedy for acne for teenagers and adults alike.

I can assure you that these resources for thousands of people have failed. Let's save me the dangers of these funds for another time and you learnthe point.

The best adult acne remedy comes from a natural perspective. In other words, go to your acne by attacking the most obvious causes of acne cure.

Adult Acne Remedy 1

Reduce stress. Stress is one of the main reasons for acne in adults. If you worry about something worry or think too deeply about something that you emphasized's out, you have to realize that and stop.

Adult Acne Remedy 2

One of thecommon causes of stress is lack of sleep. If you sleep a minimum of at least 7 hours per day, there is no doubt your acne disappear before you even know it.

Adult Acne Remedy 3

Despite all the work in the office and at home, you probably forgot to drink water and this can be a cause of your acne. You must drink at least 10 glasses of water a day.

Adult Acne Remedy 4

To make your acne disappear too quickly, it is recommendedThey are infected with the honey before going to bed. You can wash it off in the morning. It is an excellent acne resources for all age groups.

Adult Acne Remedy 5

Change your diet. It is possible that you have food, the high thermal effects, such as meat and food to eat containing high cocoa. This is not recommended if you suffer from acne. Instead, it is recommended that feed on fruits and vegetables for two to three days untilReduce your acne. A proper detox diet is an excellent remedy adult acne.

There you go. I told you some of the most popular adult acne remedy known to man. If you follow the above remedies, there is no doubt that you will see a clearer skin in just a few days.

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Myths - The 4 Popular Myths About Acne

The world is full of people who spread rumors filled, and most of them are unfounded. They are spread so there is something to talk about, although there is no logic nor the message makes no sense. Experts immediately find ways to implement this radical, especially if the medical conditions linked. For something as simple as acne, there are many rumors and myths in circulation. Some of them have no basis, and not scientifically proven, and doctors and dermatologists whoQualified try to shed light on these issues for the interests of the patient to protect.

Some of the most popular myths about acne are

1st Acne is caused by stress

This statement is only partly true stress is not the sole cause of acne, but it does cause acne, and at times it is for cooking could be exacerbated due to the excessive burden. If a person is stressed out, his body increased sebaceous glands, the functioning of the depuration resultsOil. To understand a woman who tries to, she could take care of every day about whether she is pregnant or she would ever get pregnant or not. This helps emphasize that created in their system and is published in the form of acne.

If on the other hand, a woman wants to put off pregnancy and to start oral contraceptives, they should consult their doctor to understand the impact and benefit of the same before them. To prevent acne, people areoften get into some activities that help to control the stress levels and keep them engaged relaxed.

2. Food products leads to acne

There are no direct links between diet and acne, and has a research for quite sometime now. However, if a person takes food from regulated healthy diet, her skin is a condition known to be better than others. For people on fast food, French fries, carbonated beverages, fatty or oily foods left to eatregularly won the amount of oil will often result in acne or pimples.

3. Cosmetics associated cases of acne

A small pimple on the face wreck our lives and spoil our day, and we will not rest until we find a solution. All it does is an obstacle for the looks, and leads to scarring. This can not be classified as a cosmetic acne to illness. However, excessive use of cosmetics and make-up will cause acne, if the person does not knowproper method of applying and removing the make up. You must understand that their skin as they need fresh air, and this is only possible by washing her face before going to bed after a party.

4. Dirt and filth leads to acne

Dirt does not lead directly to the fact that acne, but it could be the reason, if too much dust or dirt on the skin and it is mixed with the oil separated. When the follicles are blocked on the skin cells that leads toacnes.

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