วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Acne Home Remedies - Effective, Cheap and Easily Available

Cucumber, lemon, vinegar ... They do not connect all these ordinary items in the kitchen with something other than eating and cooking, but they at least have something in common - they are effective acne home remedies.

Anyone who has never had an occasional pimple now and then? Whether you're fourteen or forty, you can become a victim of acne through a variety of possible reasons: unhealthy diet and habits, lack of personal hygiene to ensure that existing medical condition, hormoneFluctuation, etc, etc. .. And while some kinds of acne may require serious medical treatment, including antibiotics and liver cleansing drugs, good news - most types of acne can be effectively treated with cheap and easily available acne home remedies.

Fruits and vegetables such as Acne Home Remedies

Either eaten or acne affected areas, fruit and vegetables are surprisingly acne home remedy. Lemon juice mixed with rose water makesbe a wonderful tonic for daily use. You can also drink diluted lemon juice (with honey to taste) - it contributes to beautiful skin by getting rid your body of toxins. Lime has a similar effect and can be used instead of lemon.

Cucumber - mashed or in juice form - can be applied to sensitive skin, unlike many other acne home remedies it does not dry your skin, on the contrary, it seems like a very gentle cleanser and moisturizer. Cucumber and carrot juice should be mixeddrink to your daily if you want to attack the acne from the inside.

Probably not as attractive, but effective acne home remedies garlic its strong anti-bacterial properties. You want to try something more exotic? Papaya is in Asia for centuries not only as an acne home remedy, but as soft and sensuous used to scrub the entire body. For oily skin with acne try fresh tomato puree - it will remove the excess oil and calm the Inflammation.

Herbs such as Acne Home Remedies

A variety of herbs can be useful in your fight against acne. Most of them are readily available, either in dried form or fresh. Prepare dried herbs in the same way you would make tea, then cool and apply on the acne with a cotton swab. Blend to a paste or press the juice from fresh herbs and for use in the affected areas. Mint, basil, parsley, chamomile, birch leaves, coltsfoot, rosemary - all of which can be used specifically to> Acne in a natural and non-abrasive manner.

Other household items such as Acne Home Remedies

Sea salt, baking soda or brown sugar as scrubs and peelings are used, but if your skin is inflamed, this can cause further inflammation. Alternatively, salt-water spray on your face a few times a day. Vinegar has been proven to be an excellent acne home remedy, but it can sting sensitive skin. In this case, it is diluted with water.

Aloe Vera, thiscommon houseplant, is an indispensable acne and oily skin remedy. You can cut the fleshy leaves and the thick gel-juice directly on the acne or freeze it with water to make refreshing ice cubes. Honey is (another wonderful cleaning products for your skin can with lemon juice and / or oatmeal) are used together. You can even protein, to the effect, or use the egg white alone - it has doubled good absorbent properties, "vacuuming" the impurities from the pores.

Than nightly treatment, try sandalwood and neem powder (in Indian shops) mixed with rose water - apply and let the whole night, rinse in the morning. Even your regular toothpaste is effective home remedies from acne, but it should apply only on the acne spots, avoiding the rest of the skin.

Most of the above mentioned acne home remedies can and should be used to prevent acne in the first place. If your skin is prone to frequent> Acne outbreaks, it is more important, so you take the proper care. Gentle cleaning (no hard rubbing or scrubbing!), Balanced diet (more fresh fruits and vegetables!), Plenty of water and vitamin supplements can hold a large contribution from your attempts acne at bay. Before going to the chemical over-the-counter acne medications, try a natural and harmless acne home remedy - your skin will thank you!

Check out my blog to acneExplore secret acne home remedies that can clear your acne in 3 days!

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