วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Why Your Acne Cream Treatment Will Never Cure Your Acne

With an acne cream treatment is probably the most popular method for treating acne. It is the ease of use and apparent effectiveness make it an acne cream treatment is very attractive. I say "apparently" because, even if it makes your acne seem to fade, it does nothing to treat the cause of the disease.

Your acne treatment cream contains a combination of cleansers and antiseptics to remove the excess sebum oil, along with other dirt andOils, and kill the excess P-acne bacteria that have farmed in the sebum oil. This usually results in clear your skin condition (at least something), and your acne seems to disappear.

As you probably know, but it's only a matter of time until it again! The attack acne cream treatment has only half the problem (the part that you can see), and done nothing to treat the cause that is internal to.

For most people, the presence of acneis actually a symptom of a much deeper problem. For some reason, their bodies fall out of balance, either chemically or hormonally. Hormonal disorders occur most frequently as we transition from childhood to adulthood. In these cases, an acne cream treatment is probably the best option, since the imbalance is temporary and is usually away on it's own, as you mature.

Chemical imbalances, but both are long term and (here comes the important part) can be treated.

The most common cause ofchemical imbalance is the environment. Practically everything we eat and drink, or chemicals such as preservatives or antibacterial agents, which used to hold processed food safe. In addition, many use dyes and other chemicals, their products more attractive to the eye. The fact of the matter is, the daily food we consume more than three hundred contain chemicals that not even the years prior to 50th Think that you put all these chemicals in the body without any side effectsis absurd.

Your body's natural response to all this is to remove the chemicals, and again it is "natural balance". In some people the body's chemicals to emulsify fat and save it (Have you seen a lot of fat people with acne?). Those of us with acne have devices that use a different method.

Our bodies are getting rid of these toxins through the skin by secreting them in oil, sebum and sweat. Sebum oil is a natural oil, which in normal quantities, is used tokeep the skin soft and supple. Unfortunately, it is also an ideal breeding ground for the P-acne bacteria. This bacterium is found on the skin of us all, and in normal amounts, helps protect us from other harmful bacteria.

The problem arises when the amount of toxins it is excessive. Your body will then go into overdrive and push it through more and more sebum oil. This means that the P-acne bacteria to find and exploit these large volumes of oilReproduction to a level that your skin will find intolerable. The next thing you know ... acne!

Your acne cream treatment should relieve a great job on your face, the sebaceous oil and P-acne bacteria that is present when you do it, but there is nothing on the underlying problem ... Treat toxins in the body to do. It may in fact offer a temporary solution, but to cure your acne, you must treat the internal state, as well. Your acne creamTreatment can not do that!

Free to acne, you need to help your body to produce the "natural equilibrium", which she needs. That does not mean that you are using your acne cream must be handled, it just means you have to do more. Find a way to keep your body of toxins and chemicals that are the cause of your acne to liberate. Once you do this, your acne is gone and stays gone, of course!

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